GD&T Applications & Tolerance Stack Up Analysis

Course Materials
The course follows along with the GeoTol Applications and Tolerance Stacks Workbook that contain color graphics and student exercises.

Course Objectives

Students learn to apply geometric tolerancing on parts and assemblies in this advanced GD&T training. They will also learn to perform linear, axial, orientation tolerance stacks, and GD&T tolerance analysis to ensure functional requirements are met. After the stacks, reallocation of tolerances may be needed to meet manufacturing capabilities using worst case and RSS statistical methods.

Prerequisite: GeoTol Pro GD&T Fundamentals Course 

Targeted Audience:Design engineers, drafters, manufacturing engineers, quality engineers and others involved with the creation of drawings, tolerance analysis, or design review.

Course Highlights

  • Course Developed and Refined for Over 25 Years
  • High-Level Design Course Using Case-Study Examples
  • Learn Tolerance Stacks and GD&T Application in the Same Course
  • Customizable Content for Focused Training
  • Beyond the Theory with Relatable Examples and Practical Student Exercises
  • Wood and Plastic Models Used for Demonstration
  • Follows Along with GeoTol Applications and Tolerance Stacks Workbook

Full Course Description:

In our 30 years of teaching the subject we have found people may understand the fundamentals of GD&T such as datums, position with MMC and RFS modifiers, parallelism, profile etc. However, they still lack the intimate knowledge of how to expertly apply geometric tolerancing and perform GD&T tolerance stacks to clearly define and optimize their product design.

The Applications and Tolerance Stack Up Analysis course teaches personnel how to apply GD&T and perform tolerance stacks using a series of case study problems including sheet metal, machinings, plastic parts, castings, etc. The entire course is 17 units and the advanced GD&T training instructor can select problems to customize the program to meet the class needs. The first 6 units cover tolerance stacks while the remaining 11 units contain the case study examples. The case study problems are given to students where they must establish datum reference frames and apply geometric tolerancing based on defined functional requirements. Afterwards, they must perform tolerance stacks to ensure design requirements are met. The problems start off simple but gradually increase in complexity. Students will apply concepts they learned in early GD&T training lessons to the following more complicated problems.

Both the Applications and Tolerance Stacks units are in the same textbook so a lesson in the Stacks section can be taught with an alternating lesson in the Applications section. This provides variety in the program and makes the stacks calculations less taxing on the students. This also links the idea that proper selection of the datums, as well as position and profile values on individual parts has a great effect on the accumulation in the overall assembly. The problems are analyzed and discussed in student groups and as a class to make the course interactive and fun.

Beyond the Standards

Relatable Examples

This program goes beyond the theory in the Y14.5 standard with relatable examples to show practical uses of the symbols and concepts. This program has less lecture than the fundamentals with many practical exercises to generate effective discussions.

Tolerance Stacks Method

There are many ways to conduct a tolerance stack up. This course shows many different methods for keeping track and displaying all those dimension and tolerance values. This makes it easy to show others your work-flow and to make a quick update to a project.

Customizable Courses

This program is customizable by altering lessons from the tolerance stacks and applications sections. Applications may be chosen based on the type of parts the audience normally designs.

Customizing the Program

This program is customizable and combines tolerance stacks with design GD&T applications. Lessons from the stacks section are alternated with the design applications to add variety to the program. Students also learn that proper application of GD&T can lead to simpler tolerance stacks and allow more tolerance for manufacturing. The program leader may also adjust the course based on the prior knowledge or learning ability of the participants.

Geometric tolerancing is a general subject and can be used on a variety of applications from large parts to small parts, machined parts, sheet metal, composites, turned parts, castings, weldments, etc. While the fundamental concepts of tolerancing will remain the same, each of these applications may have its own special treatments. The program leader may customize the training by skipping some applications while concentrating on the more applicable lessons.

Detailed course outline

Course Outline

Tolerance Stacks Units

  • Unit 1: Plus/Minus Stacks
  • Unit 2: Profile Detail Stacks
  • Unit 3: Profile Assembly Stacks
  • Unit 4: Boundary Detail Stacks
  • Unit 5: Boundary Assembly Stacks
  • Unit 6: Orientation Stacks


GD&T Application Units

  • Unit 7: Introduction to Design Applications
  • Unit 8: Grommet Assembly
  • Unit 9: Powder Case Assembly
  • Unit 10: Fuel Cooler Bracket
  • Unit 11: Valve Assembly
  • Unit 12: Step Bracket Assembly
  • Unit 13: Regulator Mounting Bracket
  • Unit 14: Optic Connector Assembly
  • Unit 15: Mixer Assembly
  • Unit 16: Alternator Bracket
  • Unit 17: Link Assembly

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