Instructor PowerPoint Kits

Geotol pro fundamentals Instructor Powerpoints

Instructor PowerPoint Kits

Do the training yourself with five professional, ready-to-use, PowerPoint Packages.

The Instructor PowerPoint Kits are designed to aid a leader in presenting geometric tolerancing training to students. There is an Instructor Kit for each of the Core Programs. The kits allow a leader to present “need to know” information on geometric tolerancing. The PowerPoint programs can be tailored to meet training needs for the manufacturing shop floor to quality and engineering personnel. The geometric tolerancing programs range from fundamental to advanced.

These Kits will allow company parts to be added to customize the presentation. There are hundreds of color slides and thousands of graphics in each kit. A majority of the geometric concepts are animated to help provide the instructor and students with a rewarding educational experience. Page numbers on the slides correspond to the pages in the accompanying programmed Student Textbook. This makes it easy for the students to follow along with the examples and complete program exercises. Leader Model Kits, which match the problems in the textbooks, are available for the leader to make the presentation come alive and explain practical applications.

The leader should have some knowledge but does not need to be an “expert” in order to present the materials. Instructor Tips and Guidelines are provided in the slide notes. Using PowerPoint, the instructor can click back and forth through “show mode” using the animated color graphics to explain the principles. The students can follow along with the examples using their programmed textbooks. The textbooks contain concepts and examples as well as exercises so the students can test their skills. The textbooks serve as a valuable reference long after the course is over.

The programs are flexible and allow the instructor to adjust or revise the lessons to suit the audience. Student exercises are sprinkled throughout the program along with solutions. Each unit in the program takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete depending on depth of coverage and number of student exercises. The programs are complete with graphics, lessons, exercises and solutions. The instructor kits will save hours and hours of development time. These materials are professional grade, complete, and ready-to-use.

Please note: This product is intended for use as a single leader/instructor presentation package. The license agreement does not allow the right to copy or distribute copies of this package or the individual graphics or components of this package. Student Textbooks are also not reproducible. They are available separately.


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