In addition to providing training programs, we also provide onsite mentoring and consulting in geometric tolerancing. We can provide senior level certified experts to work “one on one” or in small groups with your personnel to mentor, and coach to apply and interpret geometric tolerancing. Our mentor will stay after the formal training is complete for a few days or weeks to answer questions, review and check drawings, review inspection procedures and measurement data reporting.
Our mentor will coach and guide your personnel and provide timely tips to insure effective implementation of geometric tolerancing. Our mentoring program has been highly successful allowing companies to benefit from an onsite expert to help with the initial implementation of geometric tolerancing. This will result in your personnel becoming proficient in the GeoTol system in less time while avoiding costly errors.
We also provide a complete drawing package review and tolerance stack up and analysis on your parts and assemblies. We will check your drawing package to ensure complete and clear product definition based on the latest ASME Y14.5-2009 and ISO GPS standards. In addition, we can perform a tolerance analysis on your mechanical parts and assemblies to ensure they meet functional requirements. We provide an Excel spreadsheet to input design tolerances to ensure quality and performance of the product. We analyze and reallocate and budget these tolerances to optimize the manufacturing processing. The insures the highest quality product while providing maximum manufacturing flexibility resulting in lowest production cost.
We will also work with your quality department to insure the product verification processes are valid and complete using the correct tools and procedures. We will guide you in recommendations to improve the manufacturing of your product. We will help set up and develop a dimensional measurement plan and data reporting procedure to track and ensure in-process and final design requirements are met. This data can also be used for process control and improvement.
We can also work with your engineering staff to set up a standard practices manual where families of similar parts are geometrically toleranced to achieve maximum functionally while optimizing manufacturing tolerance. It provides your engineers a template and Excel spreadsheet where design tolerances can be analyzed and budgeted for best performance while retaining maximum manufacturing flexibility.